Monday, August 07, 2006


If Your feeling sad and not very happy with your life?
There are no end to the people and sites and places to go to to get information on how to Drug up and get HAPPY or so they claim.
I am not saying there are not people who do not need this help.
Some DO! But, Herein Lies the great problem.
Do YOU? Or you child or other loved one?
Never make this decision without a professional for one thing!
Medication should ALWAYS!! ALWAYS!! Be a last resort!
Please keep in mind when a Doctor or other professional does recommend medication to you:
They only know what you allow them to know they are NOT mind readers.
A Pill will NOT make him/her come back to you or erase a bad memory or event.
In fact it can have a opposite effect.
Because drugs or alcohol numb the brain and cause it not to feel the pain and deal with it.
When it needs to for the healing process to be properly completed.
So you may THINK they are helping because they ease the pain of the moment.
But, when they wear off guess what? That pain is still there and it has brought some friends along.
No one likes to hurt and no one likes to cry.
But, sometimes that is exactly what we MUST do to make us happy.
Yes, I said HAPPY!
Sometimes it is the most painful events in our life that bring us the most Happiness.
Strange? But True!!!
Case in point:
A Woman is devastated because she has lost her spouse of 15 years.
Never was there a more perfect marriage.
The idea of being without her spouse was more than she could handle.
But, somehow she did. Day by day. Hour by tear filled hour.
Many was the day she felt she would go insane the pain and empitness were so great.
Then one day it happened.
She went shopping just like any other week.
But, as she reached for a Hostess cupcake she grabbed another hand that was trying to get the same box.
It was a old friend of her spouse's she had not seen in years.
They went to get a cup of coffee and talked for hours
She discovered they had much in common!!
Well they went out more and more and more and guess what?
She dicovered THIS person made her even Happier than the spouse she had lost!!
Yes, she would always love the one she had lost.
But, now her life was so much richer.
They married and just celebrated thier 25th anniversary.
Because she now had both the memory of the first and the company of the second!!
So, you see if she had turned to drugs or alcohol.
She would have remained in pain and never known any of the happiness what a waste that would have been.
If your friends are depressing you?
Find new friends.
If your clothes depress you?
change clothes.
IF your family depresses you?
Put some distance between you and them if possible or if not take a vacation away from them.
Even if it is just for a few minutes or hours a day. Even if it is just to go into a room alone to read a book or my web site
or find a hobby you really enjoy.
Take control of YOUR life do NOT let your life control YOU!
Avoid movies and books that add to your depression.
IF a loved one has just died do NOT watch movies about loved ones dieing and read books about it only.
Some of this interaction can be good but dwelling on it is NOT!
Instead seek out lighter fare.
Comedy is always great Soul food. It gives the mind a vacation.
Depression hates laughter. Laughter scares it away.
Remember A friend is someone who supports you NO matter what you say or do.
IF someone is putting you down or making you feel inferior.
They are NOT your friend.
It really IS that simple!
But, also keep in mind there is such a thing as CONSTRUCTIVE critisism.
This is what a friend does when they want to HELP you.
It is also what ruins many friendships. IF carried to far or misunderstood.
The most important thing to remember is you have your own mind.
And since this IS America. You are FREE to USE it!!
So use it Fully don;t numb it with drugs or alcohol.

Bipolar Depression
Get the Facts About Extreme Highs & Lows.
Depression Information
Find Extensive Online Information - Video, Questionnaires, Tips & More
Facts about depression, including how to manage it and how to live with this medical condition.
NIMH: Depression
Major depression is manifested by a combination of symptoms (see symptom ... Depression can also affect the physical health in men differently from women. ...
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central
This site is Internet's central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals ...
Online Depression Screening Test
Answer a few simple questions to determine if you are experiencing depressive symptoms. Provides...
Teens Health: Depression
Depression is a strong mood involving sadness, discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts...
About Depression
THE starting place for exploring Depression. Support forums, links, articles and more.

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